Monday, November 16, 2009

Thanks to Publicity Club I'm Off to Russia!

I was asked to write a guest blog for an organization that I have been a part of for about a year now, The Publicity Club of New England. I have truly enjoyed and benefited from each event I have attended! Especially because they helped connect me to my current employer. I have been there for a year and I received a promotion and a raise on my one year anniversary and things are going great. And as the title says, I am going to Russia in a few weeks! I am very excited and very nervous! But it is going to be a blast. I will take plenty of pictures and video (with the new Flip I am getting for Christmas) and will drink lots of Vodka. Ok, not too much! Here is my blog post on how I have benefited from the PubClub.


Thanks to the Pub Club, I'm off to Russia

By Katie Boucher, Kaspersky Lab

I am going to Moscow in December for work and it is all because I attended a PubClub event. No really.

I graduated from The University of South Carolina in May of 2008 and decided to move to Boston later that summer. After applying to over 75 jobs that summer to no avail, I still decided to move up here. I did everything my counselors, my teachers, my mentors told me to and I was feeling defeated. I never expected to be in that position. My sister was gracious enough to put the word out among all of her friends in the PR world- letting them know her little sister was a hard worker and willing to do whatever it takes to make it in the PR world.

One of her friends stepped up and took the place as my mentor. Thankfully, she knew people who knew people.

I attended a PubClub event with a really great panel, discussing awesome case studies. People on the panel represented companies from Lego to Dunkin Donuts. It was obviously a great panel because I still remember it.

During this event, I met Karen Reynolds, who is the now the President of the PubClub. We set up a time to meet to just talk. It was one of the first informational interviews I took. And as it turns out, it was the only one I needed. When we met, Karen helped me realize what I truly was passionate about. She insisted that I inject that passion into every interview that I would have in the future.

After we met, Karen also put the word out there. A week or so later, I received an email about an internship opportunity with a Russian owned Internet security company. They were looking to bring their PR team in-house and the company was growing at an alarming rate.

I really didn't know what to expect. I did my research, I was passionate, and I went into the interview with a new confidence I didn't have before.

Well, it paid off! The job started off as a three month internship with potential to turn into a full-time job. I worked my butt off. I did everything necessary to prove that I was worthy enough to be on this newly developed in-house PR team. I made a name for myself by developing the Daily Digest (pretty much a news clipping), but I added daily jokes and riddles, it was and is truly something that is still mine.

I was hired on full-time in February and I have now been with the company for a year. A year that has truly proven to be something awesome. Oh, so back to the Russia trip. The four person PR team is going to Russia for a global PR summit. I already have my parka and my fur-lined boots packed! So thank you PubClub for helping me connect with people and my lesson learned from this is: talk to people, listen to what they have to say. Then talk to more people.

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