starting january 1, 2009, jason started to charge companies the corresponding dollar amount to the day to wear their shirt with their logo and name on it. so January 1 was $1 and December 31 was $365. on top of that they have a sponsor each month which brings in even more mula. last year he made over $84,000. don't worry, i didn't do the math. someone else did it for me.
so what does he do in this shirt?: he blogs about the company that has paid for him to wear this shirt, he makes a daily video in the shirt and talks about the company, he wears it everywhere - to the movies, to weddings and funerals, to play basketball, to the mall, to chick-fil-a (nom nom nom)- he tweets about it all day long, he facebooks about the company in the shirt all day long, he hosts a daily webcast/chat where he interacts with this loyal followers.
this year evan white, is also wearing shirts - the same shirt. well not the same shirt as jason, that would be ridiculous and impossible. but evan does the same awesome things. he tweets. he facebooks. he video blogs. he chats. he lives. he breathes. it's amazing.
but it's genius. they are gaining exposure for companies that are big and companies that are small. some companies that are known and others that are not. it's an amazing integrated marketing business that is boding him well to say the least. it's public relations, it's advertising, it's marketing- everything all rolled into one awesome business. they hit every major social network and tear it up with marketing for the company. awesome. they've been all over the news. check out their press site.
today i tuned in to their live webcasts. each of them hosts an hour long webcast where they just interact with their viewers and usually give stuff away. it was the first time i was able to hang around for the whole thing. but i was literally laughing out loud. i was having to contain my laughter as it was not conducive for the work place. oops. during evan's live session, he decided to autograph some soccer trading cards (not of him) and then asked the viewers/listeners to tweet about it and he would chose a winner to receive the autographed card. obviously i did and i won! so i am awaiting my autographed soccer trading card from evan.
so you're probably thinking what everyone says when i tell them about these guys... why didn't i think of that? but seriously, it's the easiest thing to do. get dressed. everyone does it, but these guys beat us all to it! the cool thing about it, they are genuinely nice guys. i think they are awesome and you should too. i tried to get my company to sign up for a day, but well, we'll just say it's still on the table.
my recommendation to you, no my challenge to you, is to go watch one of their videos and if you don't laugh, i will give you a dollar. and i don't have that many readers, so i won't go broke. but seriously do it. i challenge you not to laugh and and i challenge you to not get addicted to jason and evan. it's impossible but i pose the challenge. good luck.
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