Wednesday, May 26, 2010

confidence. served with a side of awesome

ok, maybe i haven't had that many revelations, but i've had a lot. here it goes - a few weeks ago i received a piece of advice that has changed my view of the world (ok, maybe not that drastically, but it has definitely helped). the piece of advice, "be confident." now i know what you are thinking- that's so easy. duh, of course confidence carries you a long way. but, it's actually instilling that confidence within yourself and living each day with that confidence that makes the difference. it's strange how quickly my attitude and feeling towards all aspects of life changed when i finally realized my own confidence. however, there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. don't slip to the side of arrogance.

yesterday, my friend was upset at how he was trying his hardest at work and his work wasn't being recognized by his boss. i passed along the advice, "be confident in the work you are doing, and it will pay off eventually."

MUSIC SUGGESTION OF THE WEEK: i have to plug these guys because i recently saw them live again, and they blew me away just like they did the first time... CRASH KINGS are going to be huge. i call it now. they are going to be a big deal. this is a great interview with the three-man band- keyboards, bass and drums. about themselves, singer tony said, "We wanted to create a band that once and for all could be ‘The Big Rock Sound’ without guitar." go. listen. love.

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