Wednesday, December 2, 2009

3 days! and Tiger...

This whole fiasco with Tiger is well, a fiasco! We were discussing it at work today and my co-worker brought up a good point, that if he had just said something from the beginning to satisfy the press, the whole ordeal probably wouldn't have received so much bad publicity as it has. But I mean if you mess up and you're in the limelight, you have to expect the repercussions to be bad.

But like any other celebrity shocker story, everyone I talk to is like oh I don't want to hear about that anymore it's just ridiculous, but can then proceed to tell you EVERYTHING that has happened!

SO 3 days until Moscow! I have to pack tomorrow... I hate packing. Does anyone have a magical packing fairy they can lend me for this trip? I promise I'll give her back!

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